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maximum price中文是什么意思

用"maximum price"造句"maximum price"怎么读"maximum price" in a sentence


  • 最高价格, 有价证券最高行市
  • 最高限价


  • See also variable limit , maximum price fluctuation
  • Upper limit price previous day s closing price maximum price fluctuation
  • Maximum price differential old new crops6 % but protein content similar
    新旧作物差价最高达6 ,但所含蛋白成份一样。
  • Price ceiling ( pc ) is a price control that maximum price is set on a good or service so as to protect the benefit of consumers
  • The maximum price fluctuations permitted a contract during one trading session as set by the exchange . these exist on certain contracts
  • It is a government the maximum price example that provides to estate business says 1000 yuan 3 to every square metre must not exceed this house this calls price fixing the room
  • In this paper , a single product stochastic inventory model with a random input and a certain output was proposed , and moreover , given the maximum price the firm would be willing to pay to the end user , the critical value policy depending on the initial inventory level is optimal
  • Besides introduction of regulations in several countries and regions , this chapter stresses on the excessive pricing and regulation of natural monopoly enterprises , hi the author ' s opinion , it is necessary to regulate natural monopoly enterprises through law considering the possibility and reality of excessive pricing . both the investment returns price regulation in u . s . and the maximum price regulation in u . k . have advantages respectively . however , an incentive price regulation will be more appropriate for natural monopoly enterprises
  • In chapter 3 , we chiefly study on the effectivity of third - degree price discrimination under two manufacturers , generally the studies on the effectivity of third - degree price discrimination in former papers were based on monopoly market , that is there is only one monopoly manufacturer in market . this paper expand the content of its research to the market conditions of two factories , based on a complete static information model and the linear demand functions and linear cost functions , the paper study the effectivity of third - degree price discrimination under two manufacturers , which compete in the same markets . it further respectively put forward the calculation formulas of the maximum sales volume and the maximum price and the maximum profit which belong to both manufacturers who is on the condition of common price or third - degree price discrimination in the two sub - markets , and also it put forward the necessary and sufficient conditions for third - degree price discrimination to be effective or to be same as common price
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